Monday, February 20, 2006

Where's my Jeremy Piven?

Alright, maybe some of you aren't familiar with him, so I'll indulge for a while. He's an actor, and a lot of the time he plays the "best friend" of the lead male, the wingman. Like in "The Family Man," "Serendipity," and "Entourage." That being said, now for my thoughts:

It's occured to me lately, I'm in a rut. I miss being "one of the guys." I miss having a wingman, and a group of guys I can shoot the breeze with. I miss the brotherhood of it all. I can't find that where I am right now, it's impossible. I long for those days. I need to go find them again. Girls have got their needs, guys got theirs. I need someone I can relate to, I need a buddy who's got my back. I need a wingman I can trust. I've been reading old e-mails, letters, and notes I had laying around, it's mostly luck that I found any of them. But I realized I'm still the same guy I was back then, but my world has changed and that's frustrating. A tiger don't change his stripes.
Anyway that was my rant about my rut. Maybe I'm complaining, but I want my Jeremy Piven.


At 9:25 PM, Blogger wheatable said...


At 11:10 PM, Blogger thesexyswede said...


have you thought that know you might have accidentally pushed your jeremy piven away....beeecause you're whipped? lol jk man.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Alex Sousa said...

haha, no, there's a difference. I didn't have a Jeremy Piven to push away.

and Brit, simmer ;)

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Button said...

girls have needs just as much as guys do. its normal. hopefully you find your close guy buddy soon alex.

Oh Jenesse you better not get a sex change. I know guys are better to be around but your to hot to be a boy. plus how would we get free food. come on

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Marisa of the Sea said...

Ewww... Jenesse as a boy... Sick... Don't do that...

Anyways, just keep looking. You'll find that one person or persons you need. What about getting with people you haven't talked to for a while? Sometimes it works. I don't know. That's my pitiful try at advise.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger wheatable said...

I happen to know for a fact Sousa that Bryn should be calling you Alex. Who the hell just calls Sousa Alex?

And I also happen to know for a fact that if Jenesse goes mad and gets a sex change that I will blame you and probably burn your house to the ground.

And anouther interesting fact: Jeremy Piven is pretty much my middle name.


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Cam Cam said...

I see that I am the only Guy posting here, so if you didn't have a Jeremy Piven... get one.

The guys are still here... come play Hockey with us instead of being with namby pamby women.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Alex Sousa said...

It's more than just ahnging out with the guys. the whole feeling is wrong, there's no brotherhood, no loyalty, nothin'


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