Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Shmoo by any other name...

Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to say goodbye, although something tells me it isn't for good. You'll be missed Shamae by me and everybody around you. I've known you since kindergarten, and we had plenty of good times; all of us will have the memories of the time spent together.

We all have our own stories to tell, whether all of us left behind are out of your story for good is for fate to decide, I guess. There will be water if God wills it. But I've never been a very strong believer in fate, and I don't think this goodbye is forever. Maybe that's because it still hasn't set in yet, but at least we can all hope.

Whether we meet again or not, you will be missed and you won't be forgotten.

May the knife be with you.

Catch you on the flipside --

-- Sousa


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Shamae. said...

Thanks, Alex. I know I'll miss you, too and I'm pretty DANG sure that we are going to meet again. It's our history.
*Frolicking in kindergarten
*you leave to Cherry Hill
*YOU COME BACK! Frolicking in whatever grade that was.
*Never talk in 7th grade except for like twice.
*Went to the Haunted Forest...yah, remember that?!
*I left to ALLC.

what the heck...look at that history...it's a beautiful thing.

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Alex Sousa said...

My thoughts exactly. Seems like we part for a while and then we end up being friends again. But I hope you have a good time until we meet again.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Shexpeare said...

may the knife be with you shmoo.....

may the knife be with you


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